Fix broken links for excel
Fix broken links for excel

fix broken links for excel

If Connector commands are not working properly it can mean your settings in Excel are blocking or preventing Connector from working. If you are getting errors such as #VALUE, #N/A or #REF in your document refer to the topic Error Messages List for a complete list of errors and their causes. If you have multiple client files open, try closing the client file not in use. Use the Link Paths dialog or the Linkage dialog to check the current connection. If your document connects to the Working Papers client file that is currently open, then ensure Connector is recognizing this file. For UDF linkages you must search your document for links that use the client_file argument and correct the file paths.

fix broken links for excel

If any link paths are broken, you can correct them from this dialog for DDE linkages.

  • Open the Link Paths dialog Tools | Link Paths.Įnsure that paths do not contain a broken link: ( ).
  • The following tips can be used as a general guideline for troubleshooting errors:Ĭheck that links can connect with the Working Papers client file

    fix broken links for excel

    Use this topic as a guide for identifying the cause of the issue and the steps required to correct it. Referencing multiple client files in documents.Moving or deleting the Working Papers client file.Some examples of actions that can break links include: Links can be broken for a variety of reasons and it can take considerable time to diagnose the problem.

    Fix broken links for excel